I was working on another post but with all that is going on in the world, our town, our workplaces I just had to jot down something else (if only to calm myself down and gather the last few strands of my sanity 😉)...
Ok someone needs to say it, do you smell that? Nope not what you're thinking lol...its far more nefarious than that.. its fear, there is a distinct note of fear peppered with panic in the air and it needs to stop! I get it, truly I do, we need to be responsible with our actions, it's a good thing government is being proactive and we should all do our part to help one another and slow the spread of this sickness (which shall not be named cause seriously if I have to hear it one more time I'm gonna have to stifle a scream). As someone who works in healthcare there is a real fear of our residents contracting this illness, for many thier age and health make them extremely vulnerable. We're also afraid of catching it ourselves and transporting it to work or home to our families. It's a stressful thing to be sure. Extra measures and precautions are necessary and needed. Emergency plans are vital to have in place and ready for whatever we may face.... As a Child of God though I have to look at this from both sides, as a health care worker sure but also through the eyes of my faith. I say all this to say this is the time we are called upon to put that faith we boast of into practice. It's during these moments when we have a chance to show the true meaning of Christ's love, kindness, compassion, and the peace we're supposed to cling to so fiercely as children of God. I'm not discrediting or criticizing people's fear or feelings of anxiety and worry, there are moments I feel the same way. Empty shelves in the store, the constant news coverage, the closures of many facilities and the talk of all those around us is filled with fear and it all serves to steal our joy and shake our peace. These are all facts of the reality of these days. I'm just trying to say we shouldn't forget in all our caution and carefulness that we have an anchor in these turbulent times, a sure shelter from the storm. We have someone who is touched by our infirmities, someone who knows the cares and worries of our hearts. We have a light and a hope which nothing can take away from us and a love unbreakable which binds us to the Father's heart. So take heart, hold the father's hand. We are never out of His watchful eye nor ever cease to be from His thoughts. Let us watch and be sober, let us pray without ceasing, but also may we encourage and admonish each other in the Lord. May we remain calm and rest in God's plan whatever it may entail. Hold tightly to His Word and have faith, He is the same yesterday, today and evermore. I've found myself getting drawn in by all this talk of illness and pandemics, felt myself tense up and worry about things I never thought I'd have to worry about. The air seems full of heaviness..however the Lord has been chiding my heart, in His loving way He has been showing me and reminding me to trust Him, to spend more time in His word and in prayer. I try to limit my exposure to the media mayhem, and have started to try and find a verse and a song to hold onto for the day so when I feel anxious I can sing it and quote the words till my peace returns. So today my prayer for you is that His Grace and Goodness fill your mind and heart dear friend.❤
...and let the peace of God rule in your hearts..Colossians 3:15
....be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you. 2 Corinthians 13:11
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
Amen💜 When we panic and fear we take our eyes off The Lord and get swept away in chaos. He is the anchor for our souls indeed Love ya girl 🥰