Did you ever read something a hundred times and then you read it for the hundred and first time and see something that touches your heart in a new way? That is the special thing about God's word. It is as fresh, new and relevant as it was 500+ years ago. I started my Bible time the other day by reading Psalm 23, and a few verses and phrases jumped out and got my attention..
1."He maketh me to lie down in green pastures" Psalm 23:2-He loves me enough to break through my barriers, my busy distractions, the stress and chaos to make me slow down and refocus. Did you ever have someone who stopped you and made you take a break or help you get away? Jesus is just that kind of friend...thank heaven!
2."He leadeth me beside the still waters...He leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his names sake" Psalm 23:2,3 - God wants to lead us places, not always to places we may expect or down pathways we may like or even thought we'd go but in the end He has a purpose and plan. When we let Him lead He wants to lead us to places of rest, peace, and guidance. He led Moses to the backside of the desert and to a burning bush. He led David to an enemy nation, Esther to the palace of a king and Ruth to a foreign land. I'm not sure any of them expected or anticipated being in any of those places but God had a unique plan and place for each of them and so too for us. Sometimes He also needs to lead us to a place apart, like still waters to get our attention. The very next verse says "He restoreth my soul", in that stillness He brings restoration and renews our strength. All I know is I'd much rather let Him lead the way....cause I am terrible with directions. I seriously am, I cannot say how many times I have gotten lost either in a vehicle or in a store as a kid... Oh the horrors of hearing, five hundred times over the store intercom, "Can Mrs. Stanley please come to customer service a retrieve her hyperventilating, directionally challenged child please."
3."Thou preparest a table before me..thou anointest my head with oil...my cup runneth over" Psalm 23:5 -Talk about an amazing host! Now that sounds like one great meal, and if there's one thing I know about its food. I have eaten some strange and terrible things. I've tasted roasted ants, scorpion, dog (Which was delicious! Hey don't knock it till you try it.), and pig intestines (surprisingly tough and yet mushy and chewy at the same time), Not to mention countless failed recipes and burnt offerings prepared by mine own hand. This "Table" however sounds far superior to my hosting abilities. Here's a for instance in case you think I feign modesty or exaggerate. Once when I was courting a fellow from our church I managed to engineer a catastrophe in the kitchen. I'll paint the scene...The table was set, a lovely lace tablecloth adorned a neat table. all our dishes matched, the cutlery was polished and I was dressed in a lovely blouse and skirt. The food even turned out decently for once, no fire alarm was sounded or extinguisher required this time. My family (mother and brother) and the fella were all seated, grace had been said and then he politely inquired if we had a certain condiment. Ever the gracious hostess I lept from the table to retrieve said condiment when to my horror I was followed by the entire contents of the table. The lovely lace cloth had become ensnared by a button on my blouse and you guessed it dear reader I toppled our entire meal onto the floor. The look of uncertainty and horror that crossed that young man's face caused me to burst out laughing and they all quickly followed suit. This was not my first kitchen calamity, there's a LONG list, and I doubt this will be the last entry to that list. All that to say I think the Lord has one amazing table and I am definitely up for that meal! Frankly any meal I don't have to prepare is the best meal!
4."Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me..." Psalm 23:6-Goodness and mercy sound like pretty great companions. I have had some great friends and some not so good ones too but these two sound like people I'd definitely like to get to know, thankfully I have a friend who can introduce us...
Wherever you are, whatever you're doing I hope you are resting beside still waters. Feeling relaxed and restored and are feasting on the banquet of God's love. Above all I hope God's goodness and mercy are keeping you company today.