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Can You Find the Fingerprint?

Writer's picture: Maid4HimMaid4Him

Again I was working on another thought for this week but found myself sidetracked by life, oh well, I give in...

I had this week off for vacation and it was lovely to be at home especially with all the craziness surrounding these times in which we are living. My days were filled with catching up on chores, spring cleaning our garage and bathing all four of the fur babies (much to their dismay I will say, the felines gave more than one scream and scathing to their longsuffering and somewhat soggy caretakers). A perilous adventure was also endeavored out into the vast unknown in the hopes of securing much needed victuals and the holy grail of this pandemic age...the highly coveted, quilted, and oh so soft three ply tush tissue. Danger loomed in the air, and like the silent, nimble ninja I am I slipped seamlessly in and out of each of my stops (the pharmacy and our beloved Walmart) whilst keeping a government approved, and respectful distance from all those around me. I was bemused to observe some of my fellow countrymen seemed altogether unconcerned and somewhat unwilling to follow the new edicts issued for the prevention of spreading the illness which shall not be named. Others however were clad with masks and gloves, it was a paradoxal parody being played before my very eyes. With furrowed brow I considered all this while standing on my neon line of tape waiting to check out (each checkout was lined with rows of neon tape down the aisle to show where was a safe distance to stand from the next person). It is a strange time in which we live, an unprecedented, and uncharted territory we are traversing. Each new day brings more discouraging reports and restrictions as we distance ourselves and isolate in the hopes of slowing the spread of illness. With all these things filling our thoughts and minds it can become difficult to discern and detect glimpses of the good surrounding us. I like to think of them as fingerprints of God, please allow me to expand (although hopefully not as much as my waistband has expanded..this staying home business has increased my appetite and consumption in a most unholy way😳... sorry, I digress) Anyhow as I was afore mentioning... as I was gathering my essential items I could not help myself, I procured, much to my delight, one Easter lily plant and two carefree, merry bunches of red and pink tulips. (Yes these were essential) The lily was promptly given to my mother upon my return to Stanley Manor, as they are her favorite and the tulips are happily residing in a vase sitting next to my computer as I write. Mmmm, mmm if there's one thing that reminds me of the beauty and benevolence of my God its flowers. I also couldn't help but see glimpses of my God in the kind, warm manner in some of the fellow patrons and people I passed as I ventured on my way. One knowing glance and smile, such a simple thing, but such a needful reminder that life is still good, we will come through all this, and there is a God caring and wise presiding over all. The songs of birds filled the air today, warm spring winds filled our home as we opened the windows, the call of geese as they greeted us with their voices to announce their return, one of my favorite songs coming on the radio, cooking a fine meal of spaghetti for my family with peach cobbler for dessert-all of these are fingerprints of God and His goodness that filled my day. Its easy to miss em, easy to focus on the things that go wrong, it is a constant struggle for me I know. I ran across this verse in Psalms where David said, "In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul." Psalm 94:19 I think he was trying to say when his mind was filled with all the cares and worries that come with just every day life he could still stop and think on the blessings of God and it would cause his heart to be comforted and find joy again. He said in another passage, "My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD." Psalm 104;34 When is the last time we just sat down and thought of all the things He is to us, all He has done for us, all He is doing for us right now? The truth is now more than ever we need to focus and pay attention to what God is trying to show us in each day. Perhaps He just wants to show you He is there, He is still in control, His grace is still sufficient, He knows and loves you in that unfailing, unconditional way as only He can . In the same way we show our love through the little things we do for the people we care about I cannot help but think He too delights in leaving us glimpses and gifts of His love and goodness all around us.

In this time of spring, as new life begins and warmth returns may we be reminded who it is who created all these delights and wonders, and who it is we serve, follow and call our Father. As David so eloquently stated in Psalm 86:15,"But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth." May we think on these things and find the strength, hope and comfort we need. May we strive to find the fingerprints of our Father that He has put upon our days and give Him the gratitude and acts of love in return that He so richly deserves.

Peace and Love my friends be upon you and yours now and throughout your week!



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