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A Season of Silence

Writer's picture: Maid4HimMaid4Him

2020 began as most years do with the best of intentions. Goals set, resolutions resolute and a strong, solid beginning had me optimistic this would be a great year..however divine interventions had other plans and lessons scheduled for us so it seems. This has been a tumultuous time and the world, overnight, has seemly transformed into a foreign, alien place. I've found myself feeling lost in it, stumbling around trying to find a sure foot, struggling to find the comfort of familiar ground. Moments of quiet turned into months - a veritable season of silence ensued. My words seemed to dry up within me and my spirit turned quiet. Only time of reflection and a refocusing of my eyes has been the healing balm for my hushed heart.

I work in healthcare and it seems like the world has been quarantined into it's very own isolation room-sequestered away for a time - unfortunately in some it has brought out the worst while others cling to what good they can find and share it accordingly. It is easy, and I will admit myself to have succumbed, in moments of weakness, to fall into the pitfalls of this pandemic. Fear, anxiety, anger and even animosity towards ones fellow man at times...these are all far more contagious and nefariously infecting than any virus found in the air. And yet like the much anticipated vaccine we all hope and pray for I wonder if God isn't trying to convey His own divine remedy for the state of men. It's in these times when there is a scarcity of answers, God's voice, softly, steadily, lovingly rings out- "Be still, Fear not, Come let us reason together, Be of good courage and My grace is sufficient "...There it is, the balm, the light, the remedy for all ails of the mind and spirit -Grace- Is that not the essence of our God?! His wonderous, amazing, all encompassing Grace! The greatest gift of His Son was himself adorned in grace and imparted it freely to all those He touched. The cross was in and of itself an act of divine, holy, ultimate and unconditional Grace. His love, His kindness and His mercy & grace is all intricately intertwined, woven into the fabric of our faith. I cannot understand those who would turn away, refuse or deny such a God? When you take time to get to know Him, read His word, converse through prayer, when His grace envelops your life with its richness it is hard not to love such a Saviour!

Why does it seem as if we need some tragedy or trial to get our attention? This has been a year full of calls from a gracious God to mankind. I know I've taken alot of time to retrace my steps, turn away from some things and direct my steps back in the way I should be walking. Through it all His grace has been sufficient, healing, it constrains and draws me ever closer to His side. It is my delight and my necessary companion in these days. If I have therefore received such grace then I had better live like it. I had better spread it liberally among my fellow man. It should fill my words and deeds, flow through my life into others. Such amazing Grace is meant to be shared and not miserly tucked away. So beloveds, I pray the God of all Grace bless you, keep you, sustain and fill you to overflowing with His endless, unconditional, all encompassing Grace.❤



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